Sunday, March 28, 2010, 9:40 PM

Extract of Hate:Anger

Extract of Happyness:????

Happyness can be defined in many ways.with friends, families; evrything that revolves with you.Its hard to attain that, yet it comes & go.


Its so easy making one & damn easy breaking one. it really suck if you have to be the one broken by your friend's promises or even your lover's..But do you know how the opposition reely felt?Do you really think they love doing this. Even their deepest darkest secret is yet to be revealed. Or are we too selfish or too self-centered. Must we anguish or disgusted by our fears too overcome what we've lost. There's a saying. We must never break a promise, its like an oath. Once broken,its forever gone. And be condemn to eternal regretness.

It might be possible i might changed. Been hailed & mocked alot about my changeness. Friends i reaaly loved made to sacrificed.My sacrifice. Its not hard to redeem but even yet to try. All my life i've never had the best like them. They really changed my life. I really love them. But i know i've hurt them alot. Im not contradicting either to withstand my pursues. Im lost & i don't know if they can ever forgive me again.

The truth is, im ashamed. I've misleaded & i lost my tracks. & the worse i lost them. i miz them, i really do. they meant the world to me..but its not possible to attain them back. for now im just glad they're happy. & again there's no words to grant except for..
