Who's next?
Thursday, July 3, 2008, 10:51 PM
Its really hard,i mean really3 hard..if u like that some1..& u can't simply forget bout her..evrywhere u go..there she is..well not exactly,she is there,but inside my stupid-idiotic mind.i juz realised how stupid i was..well there's no such thing "i've never regreted anything".well that's bullshit.i've been thinking long & hard.coz i noe i reli sux @ rlsp's.but the thing is.if u go thru sumtin that ur un-sure,un-determined,clueless, thinking if i can make thru the end.well i just have to endure it.well im talkin bout rlshp's..if u wanna have a long term rlshp's,relli commit urself to it,make it as though u guys are married already.but its more of the two of u guyz werkin it out.

Coz good things will prevail 4 those whu believe & persevere..well,that's my opinion..been taking so many courses that i juz wanna share it to the world..& even though i/m not wif sum1..well nobudi wants me anwae..haha..well its true..its reli hard 4 me to find that sum1 whu can reli love me.. juz a while ago..i go view ppl shout outs.& i saw tiz gerl bout my age..& her quote sae's "Don't be with someone whu u love,be with someone who loves you",& it really hit me in the head.she was so true on that part..totally agree with her.but when i think back.life's not that ezy..& love is much more worst..when u reli love sum1.u'll go crazy..u wnna meet dem like evrdae,simply put.wanna be wif tat person every second.

Well actually its not tat hard la.juz be positive bout ur rlsp.dun get too jealous ,or too paranoid.juz two words..b true & sincere if u wanna b wif tat sum1.not coz of their looks,or any missing facial parts on their face..lol!!hee..its how u spend even the shortest memorable time together..though its short but its will shirk to ur minds when u slip.its like a dream:)

Coz when i was with my ex.my 1st love.i tot she'll freak out when i have 1 zit at my face..i freaked out not her..haha..she didn't mind at all.& lost her..haha..pathetic me..even though she's wif sum1..she's still remain in my mind ,all the good & bad moments..especially the good ones..

Well not only her..all the girls in my life that came & give me tat beautiful sparkle in my hearts.not onli talkin bout my ex's,but tha gal's whu loved me before.some i may only met once & some quite a couple of times.but thay made my day each time.i juz wish they'll be happy for whu they are,& grateful for whu they are with..

I've decided that i relli wanna make my future-gal happy,& not what i had with what was,before.
so i
wunder whu's next?

striking at the right moment.
, 10:51 PM

Lost in translations
Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 4:07 PM
i think i figure the formulae to life..
Life is not that hard as u imagined it to be.its more of how u go thru to it & get in control.
When ur sad u tend to cry,when ur angry its the same only abit worse,& when ur furious..hmm..u guys figure out urself..haha..
well..1 thing we wanna in life is the best thing in the world..it comes & goes,but its still there,


u have the right to own it
u have the right nnot to let ani1 or anibudi take tat away frm you..

well ur wrong ..tats y god create wierd looking creatures called HUMANS
we tend to always argue & cry @ the smallest things..lets all admit..we are sensitive..every single one of us..& we behave differently due to our pasts experiences & by influential parenthood..we can't turn back time or kill sum1 or ignore u hate so much..

we just go with the flow but state in your mind tat every single thing has it limits..thats y u see..there so many fat ppl out there..

& whu's the stupid person whu sae's..the most happiest person ppl are FAT ppl..well..if they're so happy y the hell theywanna get thin..cos they wanna b HAPPY..i just think thatwe can all live happily in this world if we all dare to do sumtin we all feared the most & take a step ahead coz u must always b prepared..& sumtimes u have to pretend to b happy..tat sux rght..well im used to it..but not animore..i decided that i can do most of the things now..well about being happy..onli 1 secret though to live happyily forever..actually 2..haha

Werk hard for ur own happYness & never ever run away frm ur own probx..ezy saying overcome what u fear most..coz life is unfair for u to un-scrabblle it to make it a 1 whole pice again..k..

i think thats about it..just typing thiz base on my own theory & opinions the way of how i observe things..so the next time u get angry or cry..dun ignore ,go do sumtin bout it..cept for the killing yourself part..hee